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Post Time to Vent
on: December 19, 2006 05:15
Ok, how many times has this happened? You're sitting talking to a friend about movies, or rather, which movie is best, and your friend has the audacity to suggest that Star Wars is a better movie than LotR?!?!? This happened to me today. I did not speak to her for a good ten minutes, first out of shock, then out of shame. Then I gave her a good verbal lashing about the whole thing.
Has this happened to anybody else? Not just with Star Wars, because star wrs is good. Just not as good as LotR. Anyway..
How did you handle it?
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Post RE: Time to Vent
on: December 20, 2006 03:26
Actually, I would be willing to say that the first Star Wars movie is better judged as a movie, than any of the LOTR movies. The other Star Wars movies don't measure up, but the original is really a masterpiece. The difficulty with the LOTR movies is that none of them tell a complete story on its own. The end of Star Wars has the triumphant scene where the heros get awards from the beautiful princess, there is a sense of completion. When Sam and Frodo take off, and Aragorn Legolas and Gimli go to try and rescue Merry and Pippin, we are left hanging, especially if you don't already know the story. That's just the nature of the story - it is not a series of 3 stories but one very long one that wasn't written with the idea of a series of movies in mind.
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Post RE: Time to Vent
on: December 22, 2006 11:56
yes, this has happened to me. When I was watching the news they showed scenes of Eragon, that new movie. They actually said that they thought Eragon would be a better movie than LotR!!!!! Now that made me mad. LotR is a masterpiece, the story and the movie, it could never be out done.
I must agree with RiverWoman on the fact that Star Wars is an amazing piece as well, and I am a Star Wars fan so I cannot say that either are better than the other, they both have great qualities. But I really don't think Eragon can. I read a newspaper article about it and the headline was 'Frodo Baggins eat your heart out' Then it continued on to say how big Eragon was going to be.
I guess I should not say anything more since I haven't actually seen the movie yet, but I just thought I'd say that. I feel better for it.
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Post RE: Time to Vent
on: January 08, 2007 11:55
anyone wth the impudence to suggest that any film, especially the second-rate kock-off they call "eragon" is in the same universe of quality as Lord of the Rings shall be cast forever into the flames of Mount Doom! *ahem* sorry, I got a bit carried away there - maybe I should actually *watch* the film before I rip it to shreds like that:blush:. but from what I've seen, it looks pretty bad.
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Post RE: Time to Vent
on: January 08, 2007 02:43
Most of my friends learn not to speak of anything that insults Lord of the Rings around me. When I was on the bus someone started talking about how ROTK was "The most boring movie ever..." I wanted to give them a piece of my mind. One of my best friends also thinks LOTR is boring, but I don't understand why she thinks so. She plays Dungeons and Dragons, but she thinks the Lord of the Rings is boring. :\

Star Wars is pretty good, (the originals) but The Lord of the Rings is....better.
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Post RE: Time to Vent
on: January 08, 2007 03:08
I feel your pain! In my house, the spousal unit and my son are rabid Star Wars collectors and fans. I can't tell you how many thousands of dollars of our retirement money has gone to Star Wars "investments."

But on a brighter note...I started reading LotR to my son when he was about 7 years old. By the time he was nine he had read the entire series by himself. He loves LotR dearly, so I guess that I can forgive this one minor flaw.

I can say truly that the first Star Wars were way better than the last three, but in all, they are a fun group of movies, but for me, there is just no comparing the emotional and visual impact that LotR makes. Case Closed.

As for Eragon, I've not seen it yet. Almost all of the critics have panned it thoroughly, so that doesn't bode well. My niece went to see it and said don't bother, so I didn't. I think I'll wait until it comes out on DVD and rent it before I decide whether or not to spend my money on it.

And as for those who don't agree that LotR is the 20th Century's most influential book...well, there's no accounting for taste, now is there? :dizzy:
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Post RE: Time to Vent
on: January 08, 2007 03:14
yes, I agree. I have only heard that Eragon was good from one of my friends, and she kind of likes anything that has anything to do with fantasy. She does like LotR but she thinks I'm a crazy fanatic about it, which I am.
I acutally started reading Eragon, and so far it isn't that great. No suspense or anything like that...kinda boring.
'Not even the gods above can separate the two of us, no nothing can come between you and I.'
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Post RE: Time to Vent
on: February 18, 2008 07:23
Yeah, the Eragon film was rubbish. The book was good (really good, in fact) but the film... nah. None of the actors was even good apart from that one guy that played Brom and even he played it completely different from the way it was in the book... hmph!
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