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Grandpa Moderator
Posts: 2929
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Post Chapter quote OfThe Voyage of Earendil and The War of Wrath
on: March 01, 2010 02:57
For the sons of Fëanor that yet lived came down suddenly upon the exiles of Gondolin and the remnants of Doriath and destroyed them.

Once again, it almost seems as though the oath of Fëanor was sworn as an oath to aid Morgoth ,rather than against him; for everything that happened as a result of the Oath ended up working in his best interests.
The taking of the Silmarils ended up being Morgoth's greatest(or most successful) deed. , for nothing else he did, caused anywhere near the amount of harm to his most hated enemies, the Elves
Alcarinquë of Varda
Posts: 787
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Post RE: Chapter quote OfThe Voyage of Earendil and The War of Wrath
on: March 31, 2010 02:35
I always find myself pitying the sons of Fëanor when it comes to scenes such as these. So often they do not want to act as they do and aid Morgoth, but they are forced to. But it is so hard to comprehend the force that is driving them to do so. In our world were oaths are broken easily, we cannot imagine an oath being so all-powerful. In Tolkien's world words have a power that they do not in the world we live in now. Even if someone swears before God in our world, though they will probably think seriously before breaking it, there is no force preventing them from doing so. With the sons of Fëanor it is quite clear that it is near-impossible to even ignore the oath, much less break it.
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