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Post Tengwar inscription
on: January 13, 2015 03:55
Hi everyone, I know this must be a question you get a lot, but I would like to make a present for my family and wanted to double check if I wrote the inscription of the word 'fin seneta' correctly using Quenya Tengwar. It has no language meaning since it represents the initials of our family names, so no translation is needed.

And while I'm at it, could you please check if the names themselves are written correctly? I used the plugins suggested by dirk_math in the topic 'Writing with Tengwar' and I got some inscriptions I am not sure of. For example, why is the 'a' in selma written separately and not on the 'm' (the preceding consonant)? The same goes for 'a' in nejra, the second 'i' in indira and 'e' in fikret.

Here are the inscriptions:


Thanks a lot!
Quenya Workbook Mentor
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on: January 13, 2015 06:49
1. correct

2. because when a consonant doesn't have a tehta on it, you should use the key on the top left of the main part of your keyboard (with the ~ on it).
So to type selma: s - e - l - ~ - m - a

3. with nejra, the sound this j has is in fact the y of Quenya, so you should type: n - e - y - ~ - r - a

4. the d like tengwa is the ch from the Scottish word loch, in Quenya the k sound is always written as a c: t - a - r - i - c - ~

5. nd is one symbol in Quenya: the keyboard used the symbol you used for d, as there are no separate d's in Quenya: i - d - i - r - a

6. f - i - c - ~ - r - e - t - ~
Yassë engë lómë, anarties calali.
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on: January 14, 2015 01:04
Thanks a lot..makes sense now! If I do get stuck again at some point, I'll be free to ask again((:
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