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Council of Elrond - Image Gallery

Title: 016.jpg
Submitted By: admin
Date: March 24, 2002
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  1. Anonymous
    April 7, 2002

    Legolas: I told you! No photos today!

  2. Avatar
    April 25, 2002

    “are you talking to me?”

  3. Avatar
    May 3, 2002

    Action figure poses everyone!

  4. Anonymous
    July 21, 2002

    I don’t think Legolas should be trusting Gimli… With axes behind him.

  5. Avatar
    July 24, 2002

    Oh, god he’s shooting at the fan girls again!

  6. Avatar
    August 19, 2002

    Aragorn: “The fan girls love Legolas when i does this, and it can’t be THAT hard”

  7. Avatar
    August 26, 2002

    “Legolas: shoot THERE moron…

  8. Avatar
    August 26, 2002

    Aragorn: shut up SHUT UP”

  9. Avatar
    September 2, 2002

    Two words: House keeping

  10. Avatar
    September 19, 2002

    *i’ll take the hundred on the left. you take the hundred on the right aragorn! gimli you take out their legs”*

  11. Anonymous
    September 27, 2002

    Aragorn’s little bow is so cute!!

  12. Anonymous
    September 27, 2002

    And Gandalf’s hat to the right has a personality all of it’s own…..

  13. Anonymous
    September 27, 2002

    I mean left!!

  14. Avatar
    October 1, 2002

    Legolas: I can shoot betta than he can

  15. Avatar
    December 5, 2002

    Leggie could you point that thing at the guuy behind you?

  16. Avatar
    January 29, 2003

    Robin Hood and his merry? men

  17. Avatar
    February 1, 2003

    we are the men…men in tights…

  18. Avatar
    February 1, 2003

    no seriously…i like this shot

  19. Avatar
    August 12, 2003

    poor boromir he is left out of the picture!

  20. Avatar
    April 4, 2004

    No one can escape legolas’ arrows!

  21. Avatar
    April 7, 2004

    Gandalf: Ok Aragorn, now ease up on the arrow, point then shoot! A: I got one!!!

  22. Avatar
    April 30, 2008

    Notice how Aragorn and Legolas are suddenly protecting Gimli. They think HE’s insane, too!

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