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Council of Elrond - Image Gallery

Title: 029

A very special thanks to Beleg_S for taking the screen captures.

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Submitted By: Beleg_S
Date: September 30, 2003
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  1. Avatar
    October 1, 2003

    I think that is much more before that. when Sam told him that Golum want’s to kill them.

  2. Avatar
    October 2, 2003

    Poor Frodo, doesn’t have a clue… yet.

  3. Avatar
    October 11, 2003

    If you look a few frames before, you can see Sam’s foot walking up some steps… I think it’s Cirith Ungol

  4. Avatar
    November 10, 2003

    If this is Cirith Ungol, then what is Frodo looking at???

  5. Avatar
    December 27, 2003

    the Nazgûl are calling out for the ring as the orcs begin to leave Minas Morgul, I believe

  6. Avatar
    January 21, 2004

    I love when Lij does the head turn thing, and the eye brow thing. Both is even better!

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