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Home » Gallery Images » Other » 03.RoTK: Oliphaunt
Title: 03.RoTK: Oliphaunt

Individual images of orcs, trolls, goblins and other evil/nasty creatures (place images of more then one creature in a shot in the “Groups” section)

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Submitted By: Figwit
Date: December 23, 2003
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  1. Avatar
    December 24, 2003

    AAWWEESSOOMMEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved the part when Legolas brings it down.(Yeah first to vote!)

  2. Avatar
    December 24, 2003

    Yes sir!!! That is one of the best parts in the entire movie!!! Haha!!! “Still only counts as one!”

  3. Avatar
    January 2, 2004

    All the girls in the theater took a big sigh when Legolas beat that and my dad was like “Oh, geez.”

  4. Avatar
    February 3, 2004

    Adorable wittle pets!

  5. Avatar
    March 9, 2004

    That part is my FAVORITE scene of the movie

  6. Avatar
    May 2, 2004

    I thought that Leggy killing the Oliphaunt was cheesy.*ducks tomatoes*

  7. Avatar
    May 2, 2004

    How come Eowyn and Eomer never get credit for killing Oliphaunts?They killed some,too!!!

  8. Avatar
    November 3, 2004

    Am I the only one that sees charecters as godmoders. If a NORMAL soldier of Rohan tried to take down a Mumakil

  9. Avatar
    November 3, 2004

    on his own with only a tiny knife and a bow, he’d be dead before you could say, “Unfair” but if Legolas tries

  10. Avatar
    November 3, 2004

    oh no! We can’t have him die! So we’ll just let him take down a HUGE Elephant without a scratch.

  11. Avatar
    April 5, 2005

    I felt really bad for them in this scene. It’s not their fault that they’re evil, they’re non-volentary.

  12. Avatar
    November 27, 2005

    Man, those Rohirrim are brave. Seriously, I wouldn’t have charged straight at those monsters…

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