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Council of Elrond - Image Gallery

Title: 071

A very special thanks to Beleg_S for taking the screen captures.

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Submitted By: Beleg_S
Date: September 30, 2003
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  1. Avatar
    October 1, 2003

    Oh boy, this is where I start to get goosebumps and I start holding my breath…*must remember to breathe*…

  2. Avatar
    October 1, 2003

    This battle is going to keep the theatre on the edge of their seats… including me!

  3. Avatar
    October 1, 2003

    Aragorn’s speech brings me to tears whenever I think of him saying the words. I can hear his voice in my head

  4. Avatar
    October 2, 2003

    Yay! This is just how I imagined the Rohirrim coming into battle in the books! Squeeee!

  5. Avatar
    October 2, 2003

    Oh boy! You said it Nienna! I am gonna cry trought the whole movie! It’s gonna be BREATH TAKING and EPIC!!!!

  6. Avatar
    November 8, 2003

    crap. i cried at dis part….

  7. Avatar
    December 7, 2003

    Yes, aragornbrego7, I know exactly what you mean.

  8. Avatar
    December 21, 2003

    Is it just me, or is the end of this speech (in the film rather than the movie) rather a lot like Henry V?

  9. Avatar
    December 21, 2003

    movie – sorry, meant trailer

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