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Council of Elrond - Image Gallery

Submitted By: admin
Date: May 5, 2002
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  1. Avatar
    May 6, 2002

    Hmm, someone’s been looking into the birdbath of doom!

  2. Avatar
    May 7, 2002

    Again, I want her clothes. You men can have the rest.

  3. Avatar
    May 7, 2002

    “Boromir, Boromir, where for art thou…oops I mean Aragorn, Aragorn….”

  4. Avatar
    May 11, 2002

    Nice angle…=)

  5. Avatar
    June 13, 2002

    I’d seriously love to have Arwen and Galadriel’s clothes. Where are all the elven tailors?

  6. Avatar
    June 21, 2002

    It looks like they had fun with a camera in the backyard of Rivendell. Why the birdbath?

  7. Avatar
    June 21, 2002

    Or is she in Lothlorien? Arwen is everywhere! Looking after Aragorn from far away.

  8. Anonymous
    June 24, 2002

    she looks troubled. i like her clothes ^_^ i like this shot, however

  9. Avatar
    August 24, 2002

    I heard that this was from the second movie when she looks in the mirror and sees (can’t say)

  10. Avatar
    August 24, 2002

    and afterwards goes back to Rivendell to get the sword and goes to Helm’s Deep

  11. Avatar
    September 3, 2002

    it looks like the bird bath is going to fall on her

  12. Avatar
    September 14, 2002

    Weird angle, but nice shot.

  13. Avatar
    September 27, 2002

    “Hmph!! The birdbath, I mean mirror didn’t say I was the fairest one of all!!!”

  14. Avatar
    September 29, 2002

    hey arwen, you can prolly send a vibe or something to aragorn

  15. Avatar
    December 6, 2002

    “So beautiful, kind, but sad. Why are you asking me this?” (Am I quoting from Star Wars?)

  16. Avatar
    January 2, 2003

    She is so cool. I love her attitude, and the way she stood up to her dad in TTT! WoW!

  17. Avatar
    January 17, 2003

    I think it’s great when in FotR she says the chant thing and all the water comes down the river.

  18. Avatar
    February 14, 2003

    Liv Tyler should so get an Oscar for this part, she was so good

  19. Avatar
    April 17, 2003

    Arwen: I forgot to tell aragorn to take his toothbrush…Minuits later so sleepy BANG i was so ment to do that

  20. Avatar
    April 18, 2003

    Ok… I am in a strop. Galadriel nicked my hairbrush

  21. Avatar
    May 20, 2003

    A: Ok take a deep breath and look again. I probably just imagined it saying you’d go ugly if Sauron took power

  22. Avatar
    March 13, 2004

    In the extras of TTT Liv says something about going to Helm’s Deep. It is probably one of the things that they

  23. Avatar
    March 13, 2004

    totally cut out. There is a rumour that PJ is going to release all three films together and put in stuff that

  24. Avatar
    March 13, 2004

    didn’t make it into any of the films. it is expected in 2005. Phew that was long!

  25. Avatar
    June 15, 2004

    Hmmm… She reminds me of Luthien. I’m glad my hair is as long as her’s and the same color. Sorry, couldn’t

  26. Avatar
    June 15, 2004

    help it. 😉 But it’s true!

  27. Avatar
    August 28, 2004

    i just love that dress!

  28. Avatar
    September 5, 2004

    So happy for you LuthienofDoriath23 *claps*. I myself look exactly like John Locke.

  29. Avatar
    September 11, 2004

    she is never in lothlorien in the films…and i don’t remember that dress from the films. hm.

  30. Avatar
    September 25, 2004

    Same dress thats in the B&W photo! Isnt this the part when she visits Galadriel in ROTK EE?

  31. Avatar
    November 25, 2004

    I love the dress and she looks very Elvish (graceful) there…But I don’t especially like the angle.

  32. Avatar
    January 4, 2005

    She does look very elvish. But she also looks so sad.

  33. Avatar
    January 5, 2005

    She looks forlorn…She probably misses Aragorn and went to visit Galadriel in Lothlorien to ask advice of her

  34. Avatar
    January 28, 2005

    She looks so peaceful while she sits there, yet there is something that is troubling her.

  35. Avatar
    February 20, 2005

    I wis i was her, then I would get to kiss argaon*

  36. Avatar
    March 1, 2005

    I love her dresses, especially this one.

  37. Avatar
    April 27, 2005

    Is this image in any of the movies?I’d have liked to see Arwen and Galadriel together.

  38. Avatar
    June 25, 2005

    I want that dress!!!

  39. Avatar
    July 1, 2005

    I wish this was a scene in the movies!

  40. Avatar
    August 3, 2005

    Elf-maidens must be terribly spoiled. They get to wear gorgeous clothes all day long, and handsome courtiers

  41. Avatar
    August 3, 2005

    grovel at their feet. 🙂

  42. Avatar
    August 27, 2005

    that’s the life, oh yeah! amazing clothes! wish i could make them! *grabs needle and cloth*

  43. Avatar
    November 3, 2005

    Love the picture and especially love the clothes. I agree. Where are all the elvish tailors?

  44. Avatar
    November 20, 2005

    This is how I thought the end of RotK would look like (when Arwen is singing to Frodo a while before he leaves

  45. Avatar
    November 20, 2005

    for the Shire

  46. LaDulceneah
    April 1, 2006

    where is she? i never saw her wear that? is that galadrial’s mirror?

  47. Avatar
    May 14, 2006

    Nerwin Artanis i so agree with u i want all the elven females’ clothes!!!!!!1

  48. Avatar
    August 10, 2006

    It’s not a birdbath, it’s the Mirror of Galadriel. There’s another shot where Galadriel is behind her.

  49. Avatar
    March 20, 2007

    Exactly!!! You can get patterns for elven dresses and have a tailor make them for you! I have done it!!!

  50. Avatar
    March 28, 2007

    Love her outfit. I want it.

  51. Avatar
    March 21, 2009

    I love her dress. She looks gorgous in it! And her hair is lovely.

  52. Imrahilswife
    October 2, 2013

    She looks like my friend in this picture.

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