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Home » Gallery Images » 01.FoTR » Cannes: Sean Bean
Title: Cannes: Sean Bean

FoTR in Cannes, 2001

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Submitted By: Figwit
Date: October 15, 2002
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  1. Avatar
    October 16, 2002

    All these Sean Bean pictures! Figwit, you are my goddess!! *big hugs and smooches*

  2. Avatar
    October 17, 2002

    yes well, I did promise you I was working on it, no? (now, don’t ask me for John Rhys Davies pics…)

  3. Avatar
    February 5, 2003

    why is sean always with orcs? is it his only friends?

  4. Avatar
    March 19, 2003

    poor sean. I”LL BE YOUR FRIEND!!!!!

  5. Avatar
    April 28, 2003

    *pushes Newra aside* I’ll be your friend Sean, I already look like an orc so…. 🙁

  6. Avatar
    April 13, 2005

    Is it just me or does Sean have a thing for the orcs?

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