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Home » Gallery Images » 03.RoTK - Behind the Scenes » Gandalf in Minas Tirith
Title: Gandalf in Minas Tirith
Submitted By: Figwit
Date: February 3, 2004
5/5 - (1 vote)


  1. Avatar
    February 7, 2004

    now they are on the first floor

  2. Avatar
    February 7, 2004

    Gandalf: Now I don’t wanna hear about any more poking the other guy with your spear. Alright?

  3. Avatar
    February 24, 2004

    Who’s the dude in the black and white shirt and why is he so happy?

  4. Avatar
    March 4, 2004

    Happy? I wouldn’t bet on that. He is the booman. He has to hold the microphone like this, in every scene.

  5. Minyaisilien
    April 4, 2004

    Oh, so they’re GANDALF’S troops now eh, Figgy?

  6. Avatar
    May 6, 2004

    He just saved a bunch of money on his car insurance by switching to Geiko, emrism.

  7. Avatar
    June 28, 2004

    Minas Tirith???!!! Where is my SEXY Faramir??!!

  8. Avatar
    July 19, 2004

    We’re following the leader, the leader, the leader… lol!

  9. Avatar
    October 8, 2006

    isn’t this where they’re talking about theoden coming or not? cool pose, by the way, boomman.

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