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Title: Grima’s Girl, Candice Renea Simmons

from A-I

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Submitted By: Grimas_Girl
Date: December 17, 2002
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  1. Avatar
    December 19, 2002

    Oh wow! Very striking! 🙂

  2. Avatar
    December 20, 2002

    You’re cool, Grima’s Girl. And very pretty. *gives the thumbs up to fellow defender of the glorious Worm*

  3. Grimas_Girl
    December 20, 2002

    Wolfie! *pounce* Did you see the movie yet? *wiggles excitedly*

  4. Grimas_Girl
    January 2, 2003

    hehhehe He says- So fair…So cold… Like a morning of pale spring still clinging to winter’s chill. *tingle*

  5. Avatar
    February 19, 2003

    is this the same grimas girl who has seen ttt 5 times?! if it is, i’ve seen it 5 times too!

  6. Grimas_Girl
    February 22, 2003

    Yep. That’s me! I had a large chunk of that movie practically memorized by the fith time! lol

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