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Home » Gallery Images » 02.The Two Towers » Merry & Pippin
Title: Merry & Pippin
Submitted By: Figwit
Date: August 17, 2003
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  1. Avatar
    August 17, 2003

    let the river in. You can sort of see the ents behind them.

  2. Avatar
    August 17, 2003

    hey! my beginning was cut off! “they look like they’re in Isengard after the ents…

  3. Avatar
    August 18, 2003

    I’m so glad they are including Flotsam and Jetsam.

  4. Avatar
    August 18, 2003

    Looks like Pip’s already inspecting the food!

  5. Avatar
    August 18, 2003

    More apples for Merry to munch on! This is a hilarious picture.

  6. Avatar
    August 19, 2003

    Looks like Pippin is checking the apples out. “Here, Merry, CATCH.” Hits Merry on forhear. OUCH.

  7. Avatar
    August 20, 2003

    I don’t think I would want to eat those apples after they floated around in that water.

  8. Avatar
    August 21, 2003

    the first thing Merry says after he wakes up in ROTK is “I’m hungry”

  9. Avatar
    August 26, 2003

    They gotta be starving! PJ didn’t give them the lembas they had in the book.

  10. Avatar
    August 27, 2003

    Wow. This looks like a cool part!

  11. Avatar
    August 27, 2003

    Omg. Why did they ever take this part out of the movie. can’t wait for ttt ee!

  12. Avatar
    August 29, 2003

    That looks like a 7up bottle with paper riped off.

  13. Avatar
    September 1, 2003

    swim my friends swim lol

  14. Avatar
    September 7, 2003

    LOL love that

  15. Avatar
    November 7, 2003

    merry must be so happy. he loves them apples. hahahaha.

  16. Legolas_Loves_Giuli
    November 26, 2003

    who is flotsam and jetsam? are they different names given to merry and pippin? i don’t know…

  17. Avatar
    December 5, 2003

    whats up with the soda bottel?

  18. Avatar
    January 20, 2004

    i didn’t think they had sprite in Middle – Earth, but Irn – Bru would do. . .

  19. Avatar
    March 6, 2004

    *grins* IS that a soda bottle? Or maybe it’s just wine. Ah, Old Winyards!

  20. Avatar
    March 29, 2004

    LOL! Love it!

  21. Avatar
    June 27, 2004

    What’s Flotsam and Jetsam? I don’t get it. I know they’re two species of Neopets.

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