By Cute_Parrot_of_Mordor
Parody of "Teen Titans Theme Song" by Puffy Ami Yumi

When there’s Sauron, you know who to call!


And there is a Ring that destroys all life


They’ve got some Uruks on the run,
They fought some wars all just for fun,
And when there’s Ringwraiths there’s Isildur’s heir!

Fellowship!! Go!!

With there wills and powers and powers they unite!


Merry and Pippin are in for fright!


Where there’s ringbearer, there’s hobbits,
Where there’s a wizard, there a king,
Where there’s a king, there’s dwarves and elves as well!!

Fellowship, GO!!!

When they destroy that Ring, Mount Doom will erupt.
Barad-Dur will be crumbs of dust!
When the Nazgul are nothing but ghosts,
It’s official you’ve been by the team!!

Fellowship, let’s go!

Fellowship, let’s go!

Fellowship, let’s go!

When there’s Sauron, you know who to call!


And there is a Ring that destroys all life


Aragorn has just been crowned king,
Frodo’s escaped the hold of the Ring!
Now he’s gone on the white ships to the Valinor!

Fellowship, GO!!

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