By Pippinluver3foot6
Parody of "Piano Man" by Billy Joel

Legolas’s hair is nice and clean.
It never gets dirty or mussed.
Only when he doesn’t have his shampoo,
He got reallly angry and fussed.

Gimli is stout and hates to run.
He also hates dark places.
He loves to fight orcs,
Only when he’s in shorts,
So I hope you enjoy all the fun.

KIll us some orcs you’re the fellowship.
KIll us some orcs right now.
We know you’re all strong and valient now.
We know you’ll do just fine.

Aragorn, the dude with greasy hair.
He never has time to have fun.
To his great suprise,
His grease in his hair can make fries,
And knows he has enough to share.

(la dee, de ee de dah la la dee dah la dah)

Gandalf the wizard is very wise.
He gives the ring to Frodo.
When he learns of its power,
He takes a long shower,
And know this song doesn’t make sense any more!


Now Merry and Pippin are great friends.
They eat mushrooms all of the time. Something chewed it,
And before you knew it,
They were killing orcs all the time.

(la la de dee dah la la dee dee la dah)

Boromir, well he di-ed
Of multiple wounds.
Aragorn kissed his forhead,
And they both decla-red
They wouldn’t let the white city fall.


Sam, the loyal friend of Frodo,
Who sticks by his side all the time.
One day Frodo sent him away,
And Smeagol got his own way,
But later Sam went back up to save his friend.

(la la de de dah la la dee de la dum)


Now finally Frodo the Ringbearer,
Who has a tough time with the burden,
He tries to destroy it,
But wouldn’t you know it,
He looks upon it and decides it was
good to keep.

In the end it was beautiful.
The ring was destroyed after all.
Frodo’s finger was bit off,
But he decided to show off
The stub to all of his friends.

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