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Celeborn and Galadriel (in Movies vs. Books)

…of Galadriel as she is fighting her inner battle is similar in film and book. Book: “from the ring she wore there issued a great light that illuminated her alone…

5.06. The Battle of the Pelennor Fields (in Movies vs. Books)

…the book which you can read in ROTK 5.VI. Again the fell beast in the movie attacks Éowyn before she declares herself; in the book it’s afterwards. After she kills…

The Super Duper LOTR Story (in Fanfiction)

Book One: The Fellowship of the Ring Chapter 1 The Journey Begins Frodo was a hobbit. He was a girly hobbit, but a hobbit. He lived in Bag End, Bagshot…

3.11. The Palantír (in Movies vs. Books)

…I could not turn. I could only stand there, waiting. These lines were taken directly from the book, where they are spoken by Faramir. He and Éowyn are looking East,…

The Red Book (in Fanfiction)

…with his wife Rose when little Elanor posed the question. “Daddy, what’s this book?” Sam looked down fondly at his six-year-old daughter, before considering the book she held up to…

Peregrin Took (in Movies vs. Books)

…city and what happens before the last battle. The Book When the siege starts Pippin is standing in the chamber of Denethor and Faramir and tries to tell that Faramir…

4.08. The Stairs of Cirith Ungol (in Movies vs. Books)

…made to ensure that it did not, as this scene is a critical departure from the book. Peter Jackson and the producers did not want readers of the book to…

Coming of Age (in Fanfiction)

…in the far reaches of the West Farthing on the wrong side of the Brandywine River. Now as he sat talking with Frodo in front of the fire Merry perceived…

Legolas learns a lesson~ 9 (in Fanfiction)

…“What are you reading? I remember the book with blank pages in your backpack, so it canÂ’t be that,” Legolas asked as she traced the lines in her book with…

No Home Here (in Fanfiction)

…was in reality little more than a few houses and an inn surrounded by acres of rolling farmland. Frowning slightly, Aragorn tried to conjure up the name of the little…