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The Red Book (in Fanfiction)

…with his wife Rose when little Elanor posed the question. “Daddy, what’s this book?” Sam looked down fondly at his six-year-old daughter, before considering the book she held up to…

4.10. The Choices of Master Samwise (in Movies vs. Books)

…in Book 4 of ‘The Two Towers’, between Chapter 9, Shelob’s Lair and ‘The Return of the King’, Book 5, Chapter 1, Minas Tirith. Frodo is a passive participant in…

Part II: The Two Towers (in Fanfiction)

…the sword thing in his other hand, cutting my own. I let out a yelp. Once again, the Uruk snarls and grabs my HAIR. My effing hair. Pardon my French,…

Meriadoc Brandybuck (in Movies vs. Books)

…is quite the same as in the book, only his part in the story is smaller. In the book the pretty long descriptions of Merry’s journeys give a better view…

1. FOTR: Bookie Details (in Movies vs. Books)

…horse is called Asfaloth, as is Glorfindel’s horse in the books. – When the river rises, great white horses of foam appear: these were added by Gandalf, in the book,…

Filia Cantus (in Fanfiction)

…hobbit do outside the ring of sheltering trees? And at this hour of eve? Stair by stair he walked down, his glance fixed on the other hobbit’s back. First Pippin…

The Dragon Bride (in Fanfiction)

…Thranduil was the only elf in Mirkwood with hair of that wondrous hue… *** “Not any more,” stated a young voice, interrupting the storyteller. “You have very nice hair, too.”…

Accessories: Arwen’s Butterfly Coronation Crown (in Crafts)

lines coming through. I put both lines through about 1″ of beads, then began beading the two lines separately, but with the same types of beads on each side. The…

The Fellowship of the Ring, Condensed. (in Subject Articles)

…READ THE BOOK: Are you sure they’re not petty criminals? PEOPLE WHO HAVE READ THE BOOK: I…um…all right, they stole stuff in the book too. But they’re high-class criminals with…

5.06. The Battle of the Pelennor Fields (in Movies vs. Books)

…“Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride! Ride for ruin and the world’s ending! Death!” In the book, it is Éomer who says these lines after finding the bodies of his…