Description: Eowyn's favorite fowl family-sized dish - a creamy and colorful chicken pasta. Simple, filling, and great for chilly fall evenings in front of the hearth fire.

Submitted by: ~Luthien_Tinuviel~ on 2012-06-11 15:31:09

Serves: 8 humans

Prep Time: Approximately 45 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

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24 oz. Rainbow Rotini Noodles
21 oz. Cream of Chicken Soup
21 oz. Cream of Onion Soup
3/4 cup butter
1/2 cup milk
One roasted fowl (chicken)
dill weed


Boil water to cook the noodles in. When it's boiling, put in noodles and turn the heat down slightly, and let cook until the noodles reach your preferred softness. For the sake of time, let them cook while you make the sauce, and when they are done, strain them, take them off the heat, and cover them to keep them warm.

In a 2 quart pot, melt the butter. Thoroughly stir in the cream of chicken and cream of onion soups and milk. Cover and let warm on medium-low heat.

Cut or tear up the roasted fowl into bite-sized pieces.

When the cream sauce is warm, season with parsley, basil, and dill weed to taste. Other seasonings may be substituted as you desire. Let sit for a few minutes more, until tastes have blended.

Carefully put the pieces of fowl into the cream sauce and mix well. Pour the sauce over the noodles, mix well again, and serve. (Goes well with Vienna Bread and dipping bread oil.)