Description: Wonderful and sweet homemade apple sauce, to go along with every meal.

Submitted by: kellymulder on 2005-10-03 08:07:26

Serves: 8 hobbits, or four hobbits in two days

Prep Time: about half an hour

Difficulty: Easy

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- 2 kilo's of apples (preferably hard and sour ones)
- about 500ml water (depends on the size of pan you're using)
- about 100g sugar
- cinnamon powder


Pare the apples and slice them in small parts of about 1cm each.when you have done that you can put them into a large pan, which contains just enough water to put the apples underneath the surface. (don't use too much water, the sauce will lose it's taste)

Cook the apples on low fire until they become soft and start to fall apart. (the time of cooking depends on the kind of apples you use)

Take the apples of the fire and mix the sugar and the cinnamon into it. (Most hobbits like to use lots of cinnamon and sugar, but if you don't like those two, just use a little less) Taste if you've added enough sugar and cinnamon for your liking, and serve it warm along with the rest of the dinner.