Gender: 2
Race: Noldor/Wood Elf
Height: 5'8
Age: 2,929
Family: Father: Aegnor (brother to Galadriel), Mother: Elril-Galia, Older Brother: Valandil
Animals: Horse(white stallion): Tamril, Dragon(black male, rarely seen): Kailthain
Weapons: Sword: Hrivë Silme, bow and arrows, daggers, and long knives

Personality: Kind, understanding, and a great listener, all who are lucky to know her love her. Despite having seen much war and death, she remains ever gentle, calm, and patient.

Appearance: Tall for the women of the Noldor race, she has her mother's eye-catching beauty, golden hair that falls [when unbound] down to her elbows in graceful curls/waves, and she has blue-grey eyes.


Born and raised in Lothlorien beside her brother Valandil, she also learned the arts of war from Haldir, the Captian of Caras Galadhon.

When her father was mysteriously murdered, she swore revenge and went to Rohan, hoping to learn the ways of Men in that area in order to find her father’s killer.

Dubbed Elfhelm by her Captain Eothain, she was taught the war arts of the Rohirrim by Eothain, and Eothain’s horse Thrathien taught Tamril to do all the different gaits Rohan style.

On her quest to find her fahter’s killer, she met Aerandir in Nothern Mirkwood. Aerandir directed her to Southern Mirkwood where it was rumored that some evil Men dwelt.

Not finding her father’s killer in Southern Mirkwood, she went to Ithilien to search. The king wlecomed her and helped her. Soon she found her father’s killer not far from Mordor, and after a life-or-death battle, she killed him.

She returned to Ithilien to find it under seige. She helped in what way she could, having seen two battle through in Rohan. In the end, the orcs, and goblins won, and, with her last strength, she fled to Lothlorien.

Back home, in Celeborn’s House of Healing, she quickly recovered in body, but the sadness of seeing Ithilien fall never left her.

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