Gender: 2
Race: Elven
Height: 5'7
Age: 1,039
Family: Finrod Vardamir(father),Aredhel Vardamir(mother)Círdan Vardamir(older brother)
Animals: Horse-Lyrica
Weapons: Elven long sword, bow and arrows, and an Elven dagger in her left boot

Personality: *Alatariel is friendly and caring. She is adventurous and won't ever turn down a dare. She is an Elven warrior, though not belonging to any army or group...she was born in Lothlorien, but decided to travel and be nomadic. Her brother is a warrior in the Lorien Elven army and resides there along with her mother and father. She learned her fighting skills from her father and brother, making her almost deadly...she loves nature, especially the stars and the evening skies...she also loves to trek through the mountains...*

Appearance: *She has silver hair with blue eyes that change color with her mood...she is fair skinned and very beautiful with a mysterious look about her, until you get to know her.*

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