Gender: 2
Race: human (Rohirrim)
Height: 5'4
Age: 16
Family: Mother- Aerlinn, Father- Rachdan (deceased)
Animals: Midnight black stallion named Aduial.
Weapons: Sword

Personality: Friendly, cheery and chatty Alaura is always willing to make new friends. She knows quite a bit of elvish. No matter the situation, Alaura will talk to whomever she's with and treat them as if they were her best friend. She enjoys joking around and having a good laugh. She blushes frequently when she makes a fool of herself and is quite clumsy so it happens a lot. She is a very girly girl but can stand up for herself when needed. She can be slightly impulsive and her decisions are derived from instinct rather than calculated thought. She can be a bit restless resulting in her being a wee bit reckless and doesn’t always make the right decision.

Appearance: Her mother Aerlinn is one of the most beautiful women she knows, with her soft curls of red hair and her talented singing voice. Alaura was not fated to possess either trait. She couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. Instead she looks more like her father with blonde hair and warm brown eyes. She has a broad smile which she likes flashing around everywhere. Her build, unlike her mother’s, is naturally thin and slender. She wears dresses regularly but opts for brown traveling trousers, a tunic, and tan overlay mesh tunic, with dark brown riding boots, and wears a stone of turquoise around her neck held by a leather cord given to her by her mother. She also has a maroon cloak which was once her father’s.


Her father Rachdan was a border guard of the Rohirrim before his death. Her mother Aerlinn runs an Inn in Edoras called The Peach Tree Inn, it has a large peach tree hanging from the door. All her life Alaura has worked with horses having worked for the horse breeder down the road. Her delicate fingers and hands are well worn and calloused from such hard labour, and without a father Baethor (the breeder) taught her how to hold a sword. Needing freedom Alaura traveled to Dol Amroth to make her way in the world. She now works on a fishing vessel.

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