Gender: 2
Race: Half human, Half Rohirric
Height: about 5'6
Age: 17
Family: Only her mother
Animals: none
Weapons: Carries a knife strapped to her leg for emergencies

Personality: Alcari doesn't have many friends due to her odd looks. *points to appearance section* She loves archery as a hobby, but not to injure. She usually get along with people, but when injustice is afoot she can be VERY stubborn.

Appearance: She has red hair going halfway down her back and the pointy ears of an elf. She is thin and willowy, but her arms and legs are surprisingly strong.


Her father died when she was very young, so she lives with her mother. They have trouble supporting themselves, so they move around frequently and have lived in many different places, including Edoras and Minas Tirith. When in Minas Tirith she works as a scout for the steward, disguised as a boy.

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