Race: Elf
Height: 6 foot 5 inches
Age: 21
Family: Uncle Legolas
Animals: A scruggy dpg. His faveourite companion. A present from Lord Elrond.
Weapons: A long bow made by his uncle and a set of bone daggers just like his uncle has.

Personality: Allen is a young Elf, fascinated by all things in life, but unfortunately he was born blind. He is a very determined youth and refused to let this hurdle stop him from becoming like his uncle, or his father. He is friendly at times but sometimes gets very frustrated with people who treat him like a child because of his youth, and also because of his disability. He is charming and willing to befriend all.

Appearance: He is a tall elf, well built and has long golden hair. One eye is a golden green and the other is a pale crystal blue, both with a far off look gleaming within them. He wears forrest green ranger clothes and a long Lothlorien cloak.


His father died in battle when he was born, and his mother died giving birth to him. He was christened with the name by one of his uncle’s best friends : Aragorn Elessar. He was raised by his uncle Legolas and trained by him. He is a fine ranger and has struggled with all his might to overcome his disabiltity. It now has no hold over his limitations and can go toe to toe with any ranger he comes across. He has still to beat his uncle at a sword-fight but has vowed to one day surpass his abilities.
He is still very young and has a long long life to look forwards too. He sometimes stays with his uncle, but a lot of the time he stays with his Godmothe and Godfather Aragorn and Arwen

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