Gender: 2
Race: human
Height: 5'6
Age: 14
Family: none worth speaking of
Animals: Tellgath, a small golden dragon
Weapons: hardwood staff

Personality: Lively and outgoing, Alysha is very protective of her friends. For her, they are closer than family. If someone insults her and she judges that she can beat them, she does. Alysha is tricky and will use underhanded methods to get what she wants/needs.

Appearance: Alysha has long hair of a dark brown. Her eyes are a cool shade of blue that changes with her mood. She weighs about 120 lbs. Her favorite color to wear is dark blue, black or gark green.


Her parents forbade her to practise her powers so she ran away from home. She can not stand her parents or authority. Now her life consitis of thievery, which she excells at, and using her power to get what she requires. More than once she has used her powers for evil. The only time she uses her power for good is if she gets paid lots for it or if someone is hurting an animal. She can’t stand anyone harming an animal.
Tellgath came to her one night after a the dragon had been in a fight and Alysha healed her. So now Tellgath won’t go away. She is small enough to sit on Alysha’s shoulder. She exists on a diffrent frequency and thus is pretty much invisiable. They are linked telepathically and empathicly.

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