Gender: 2
Race: Elf
Height: 5'8
Age: 18
Family: Foster family
Animals: A pure white stallion named Eragon
Weapons: Sword and her mind

Personality: She's a kind young woman. With a lively spirit. Some would call her stubborn and cheeky. Only Emrik Delemkwes would call her absolutely charming. She has a slow temper, but when it's boiling, it's very scary.

Appearance: She has black hair, green eyes and fair skin. Being elven makes her very beautiful. (pic drawn by an excellent artist by the name of Linda Bergkvist)


Her mother died while giving birth to Amariel, and her father, being an elf, died of a broken heart. She was then found by a human couple who knew her mother. They raised her in Edoras, where she met Emrik and developed a crush on him.
Her name means ‘Daughter of earth’

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