Gender: 2
Race: evil spirit/faery
Height: undeterminable
Age: unknown
Family: none
Animals: is her own animals
Weapons: energy balls, natural weapons of shape

Personality: shy and gentle when you first meet/see ehr, but is v. angry and stubborn otherwise. has virtually no feelings, and thus is ideal to hire for killing. doesn't often listen to others' advice unless it makes sense and there's some gain for her. is v. trustworthy and will never reveal secrest to anyone, and is a steadfast friend, though it is hard for her to make friends. she will always hold you to your word, never forgets, and will seek revenge/vengence on little ground.

Appearance: in human/elf/dwarf/hobbit form:: ghostly pale (duh, she's a ghost). eyes->pale violet; hair->snow white, down to kneese, usually in intricate braids on head and down back, but sometimes down; skin->slightly off-white; small, thin, pale wings animal:: eyes->blood red; fur/skin/feathers->whatever is natural to animal/tree/plant


has been around for forever and came to Arda w/ the Valar in the beginning, though they did not know. created by Ilúvatar by accident, she became His ‘evil side’ so to speak. was an ally of Melkor, then Sauron before the fall of Númenórë. at one point Melkor gave her a substantial body as a faery, but was killed (again) by mistake by an Orc, then she killed the Orc. because of always being a spirit (unless an animal or plant), is v. envious of other beings, esp. Men because their time on Earth is so short. befriended Nythera soon after Ny’s transformation and has stuck by her since. remembers everyone she has ever killed, and cannot escape their pleas for mercy or screams or terror, no matter how hard she tries.

**NOTE**:::: you can use Amhai if you want, I don’t mind!**

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