Race: Numenorean
Height: 5' 9
Age: 86
Family: 2 Parents, older brother, younger sister (all living)
Weapons: Longsword

Personality: Andun grew up in almost exclusive company of elves, and as such emulates them to the best of his abilities. He is reflective and remains calm as much as possible. On land, he is reserved and acts in a slow, deliberate manor. At times, he can often seem distant. Much of this, however, leaves him as soon as he is out to sea. Very quickly, a energetic, younger side of him quickly prevails. Although he never loses his sense of responsibility, is voice and actions become playful. He is true love is the sea, and only in her arms is he truly happy.

Appearance: Andun is a well built lad, who dresses in lose, conformable clothing. His hair is somewhere between dirty blond and light brown, and his eyes are the color of the sea he loves. At his side is an thin Elfish long sword his father gave him for his 40th birthday.


Andun was born in the Grey Havens, where his parents live still. Although his father was a shipwright, Andun always felt more at home on a ship then building one. When he was in his early 20s an elf captain took Andun on as a crewmember. His energy and love of the craft, as well as his ancestry, granted him the attention of the captain, who took it upon himself to teach the young man the arts of sailing. Although he would never be able to compare with elfish captains, he learned quickly. After Aragorn became king, Andun moved south to the newly reclaimed ports of Gondor. Most recently, he as been awarded the ship Westward Dreams, due to launch for a special mission of which he has yet to be informed.

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