Race: Human
Height: 5'10"
Age: Unknown
Family: Ask the Elves, only they know.
Weapons: Ormë(sword), Occasionally caries black and gold dagger(nameless)

Personality: Has most qualities of a ranger, and is like an elf in some ways. Lacks patience, and is in many cases too quick with the sword.

Appearance: About 5'10". Long dark-brown hair(medium length, not like the woodland elves). Clearly defined face, with worn skin. Wears brown boots, and travels in a weathered dark brown, hooded cloak.


Was born in Imladris, to parents only known by the Elves. At a young age he rode to Gondor to live with men, yet the Elves would still not reveal his heritage. Was trained with the sword by an heir of Faramir at this time, and later moved back to Rivendell. He is now considered a ranger, a wanderer.

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