Gender: 2
Race: Rohirrim and Gondorian Descent
Height: 5'9
Age: TA 2987
Family: Mother- Forleaswyn Brytta, Father- Carhen
Animals: None at this Time
Weapons: Sword- Anaithsol, Dagger- Bema, Ranger's Bow

Personality: Aorelind is a very cautious indavidual, careful not to trust to soon and always taking procautions. For a woman she is rather conservative, and quiet. Yet Aorelind is extremely literal, very practical, and often if not always realistic. But she can be quite hot headed when need be, yet careful and precise.When it comes to planning or scouting Aorelind is logical, honest, and willing to give her life to save the other rangers she works with. Very resistant to change and fequently comfortable with routine. You may find her a bit tempermental, and hard working. But above all else she is independent and responsible.

Appearance: Aorelind, may look like a fierce warrior but her eyes tell a different story all together. A blue radience that flares as if an icy flame is kindled in them. Her eyebrows shape her eyes perfectly, and her long dark lashes acent the dark outline of her icy eyes. Her silky strawberry-blond hair ripples down her shoulders to mid back and often has small braids near the front. Her complexion is a pale olive. Her right ear is pierced four times and has different gem studs, but her left ear is pierced three times with mismatched studs. Normally set with the garb of the Ithilien Rangers, She can very easily be mistaken for a male ranger when hooded. But when war comes of Rohan or Gondor, Aorelind sets out in her chain mail and metal plated armour to fight for the lands of which she is from. Though it is rare, on a stary night wqhen the moon is pale and she is not out scouting you may see her standing at the fort of Henneth Annûn in a flowing gown shining as if she is elven descent. Catching the eyes of many men she has no whish for love, and believes she is not deem fit for such ones. Picture By: Danilia Kay Trisonilli Copyright Used with Premission


More to come after my research is concluded….

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