Gender: 2
Race: Men
Height: 5'10
Age: 23
Family: Sir Althain of Minas Tirith (father)
Animals: horse~Larcanar (Rapid Flame)
Weapons: a short bow

Personality: Lady Ara is quiet and shy, but can be fierce when the need calls. Ara can be very stubborn about her convictions. She is impulsive at times and often regrets things she says. Ara can be excitable at times, but usually composes herself before getting out of hand. She is good with her hands and is agile. Ara enjoys climbing trees and waterfalls, often resulting in embarrassment.

Appearance: Ara has dark brown, almost black hair. She has startling green eyes that get brighter when she is angry. She is tall, but does not flaunt it too much. She dresses simply, often in a cotton dress (did they have cotton in me?) and woolen shift. Ara keeps her hair back in either braids or a low ponytail.


Ara’s mother died when she was young. Her father cares for her now, but she is often left to fend for herself when he is off to battle. Usually, she spends her time in the houses of healing, caring for injured soldiers. Ara has been taught archery in secret by her lover, Titus.

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