Gender: 2
Race: Sindarin Elf
Height: 5'10
Age: Immortal
Family: Husband (Thréndil), daughter (Gwën), youngest daughter (Válanë), son (Vöndil)
Animals: Grey horse named Gärad
Weapons: Elven sword

Personality: Loves animals and nature, likes to help those who are in need of her healing abilities. Her family is what she loves most; has a beautiful voice and encouraged both her daughters to sing elven songs. Enjoys walking through the woods alone or with her daughters, both of them fascinated by nature. Seeks friendship and trust in those she meets. Her skill with her sword is amazing.

Appearance: Has long, wavy black hair (dark hair is uncommon between elves, giving her a strange beauty) and blue-green eyes. Wears a crown made of leaves and white gowns/dresses.


Is granddaughter of Sindarin princess Lúthien. Was born in Lothlórien, where she spent a long time. She then traveled to Mikwood where she met Thréndil, and they fell in love with each other. Years after getting married she gave birth to Vöndil; then years after they went to Lothlórien and she gave birth to Gwën. When they went back to the Woodland Realm she had Válanë, her youngest daughter. Vóndil, Gwën and Válanë grew up together in Mirkwood beside their mother and father. After her two daughters and her son traveled to Ithilien, she traveled with her husband to Rivendell to visit Elrond. They then returned to Mirkwood.

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