Gender: 2
Race: 5’8
Height: Men
Age: Lived to the age of 38
Family: A husband, Dugan, and a daughter; Mistel.
Weapons: Arian was never taught how to fight, and so has no need for them.

Personality: Arian is and always has been extremely thin and seemed to be very fragile. She was pretty, and had grey eyes that sparkled with life and intelligence. She was very daring, excitable, and always up for a challenge. But once the wear of the blight took a hold of her she became weak, fragile, and submissive.


She was born in Esgaroth, in June some thirty eight years ago. She was raised to work in a bakery with her mother and father, but later came to work at a pub where Dugan was the landlord. The two soon came to come together, and after marriage the result was a daughter whom they named Mistel. The years after were merry, that is until the blight started and the pub was forced to close. Her parents died years before the blight, and for years they were forced to live off the profits of the years past. But, unfortunately, the lack of food weakened her spirit that made her susceptible to illness. And so, during the fourth year of the blight once Dwelian arrived at the town, she slipped away in her own bed and closed her eyes for the very last time.

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