Gender: 2
Race: Elven
Height: tall
Age: young by elven standards
Family: Elves of the Silver Forest
Animals: unicorn and eagle

Personality: Senstive though stubbron, eager to help people though sometimes priuyd and unrelenting. Lovable. Poetic. Pretty closed and cold at first.

Appearance: Dark, long hair, big silver-blue eyes, tall and slender, usually seen in gowns of delicate fabric.


“She had a silver crown on her head and a silver cloak reaching the groud. In the darness f the night she was like a moon descended on earth to wander around. and her companion was the nobliest of all creatures-the unicorn she called Faithful.”

Arianrod is the last descendant of an ancient branch of elves, the guaridans of the silver lake. Her task is to guard this secret place, the last abode to remain after the gradual fading of Rivendell and Lothlorien. About rhis place no one does know, even the other elves from the mentioned places. Her parents already left itgh other elces to retire in eternal peace. Her brothers, however, were slain by the dark powers a long time ago. She is alos travelling around Rohan and Gond and on to Mirkwood for a visit from time to time, even though she cannot be often discenred wing to the invsibilty cloak she posess. She can only be seen when she wants to be.

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