Race: Elf
Height: 5'8
Age: Good Question-Fairly Young
Family: None--Orphaned
Animals: none-but has animal friends
Weapons: Bow, small sword. A few throwing daggers

Personality: Soft, quiet young elf. She's nice when she can be, but she can be a little harsh for people who aren't used to her.

Appearance: Her shoulder length orange-blonde hair falls messily around her face. Her green eyes twinkle with a great sense of wonder and curiousity. She wears a dark green tunic over a pair of brown leggings tucked into her dark brown boots. She wears her short sword on a belt around her waist. (picture does her no justice--that's only a basic visual that I could draw--the full picture is at my website)


She was found by a ranger before her first 5 years, cowering in a small cave. He took her in, teaching her how to survive in the wilderness. They ended up migrating to Mirkwood after many years, her surogate father become older as they traveled farther distances. She noticed this and tried to take care of him to little avail– He died before they got to Mirkwood. And this saddened her greatly, though she learned a lot from him. She now wanders Mirkwood learly of the elves that live there.

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