Gender: 2
Race: Half-elf
Height: 6'
Age: 1569
Family: Meldir (father), Ithil (mother), Airon (brother), Nárello & Nendir (twin brothers), Almárië (sister)
Animals: an elven stallion (Fui),an elven mare (Miril), a hawk (Fairië), a white wolf (Ëala)
Weapons: long bow, elven sword (Isilmë), 2 long knives

Personality: Asëa appears to be quiet and reserved, but she is always thinking. She generally speaks only when she believes her words are wise. However, she can be very out-spoken, especially when her emotions are strong, and has no issues with speaking her mind, even if it is not a good time for her to say what's on it. Many people judge her as cold and stand-offish, but their impressions usually change once they get to know her. Asëa is quick to anger and will defend those she cares about to the death. She loves to ride her horses. Asëa can be found patrolling Mirkwood's perimeter much of the time. She is very strong-willed and has a ridiculous sense of humor, both of which tend to drive her comrades and siblings crazy. It is very difficult to gain the trust of this elleth, but once it is gained, she will be loyal to the end. Asëa is known in Mirkwood as the one who always gets herself into trouble. For the most part, however, she is very skilled at getting herself back out. She is a fierce fighter and many of the ellyn have no issue patrolling with her. Asëa is very observant and she misses very little. She has a romantic side that no one knows about because she has as of yet to let a male into her life in that area. She has no mercy when it comes to killing the enemy and oft has her hand been stayed by her comrades. Asëa refuses to show her weaknesses and only those close to her can tell when something is wrong. She has a beautiful singing voice that only her siblings have heard (and those who she knows not about). Asëa is also very rebellious and stubborn; two qualities that tend to get her in trouble with her superiors. She is notorious for her extreme impatience.

Appearance: Asëa is tall and lean. While she may not appear so, she has the strength of any of the male elves. She has long, wavy, dirty-blonde hair that is usually in a braid. Her eyes are the grey of dawn and hold great wisdom. She has a pale and flawless complexion. On her forehead, she often wears a simple silver circlet with a ruby-red drop, which her parents gave to her as a gift before they left on the Grey Ships. Often she can be found wearing the elvish patrolling outfit of a tunic and leggings with boots.


Asëa was born in Imladris before the great War of the Ring. Very little is known about her life for she does not like to share it. What is known is that when she was about 500 years old, her sister was captured by orcs. When Almárië was returned to the family, she was very much changed. Soon thereafter, Asëa’s parents, Meldir and Ithil, left for the Undying Lands with their oldest daughter. For 900 years, Asëa lived with her brothers, Airon, Nárello and Nendir, in peace and happiness. Then one fateful day, orcs attacked her and her brothers while they were out on patrol. She was separated from them and brought to the stronghold of the orcs. She spent many months in their hands and was tortured and beaten. She was found, battered and broken, at the edge of Mirkwood by Prince Legolas, his youngest brother, Elhael, and a few Wardens. She was taken in by King Thranduil. She now lives in Mirkwood. She has, as of yet, to learn the fate of her beloved brothers.She is very close to the sons of Thranduil and they are like brothers to her. Asëa gives up her immortality for her love of Brondil the Green.

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