Race: Elf
Height: 6'4
Age: ???? doesn't keep track
Family: Doesn't know nor care
Animals: Imp, Matra
Weapons: Scimitar, Jeweled dagger, crossbow

Personality: Atrian is reserved. He looks to avoid confrontation, but will fight if necessary. He loves the sea. He is very loyal to his friends. He is also an excellent leader.

Appearance: He has long black hair streaked with white. When out to sea, he usually keeps it pulled back in a red bandana. Although he has saided most of his life, his features are fair and lovely. When out to sea, he wears a red satin tunic and tight black pants with a black heavy cloak. On shore, he wears drab clothes so as not to attract attention to himself.


His first memories are of the sea. He doesn’t know his real family, but was adopted by Porthos, one of the greatest captains ever. Porthos taught him everything he knows about sailing. They carried cargo for royalty, as well as commoners. They never once lost a cargo. Unfortunately, Porthos was of the race of men and grew old and eventually died. He left The Avenger and his beautiful jeweled dagger to Atrian. Matra, Porthos’ imp loved Atrian and sticks with him through anything (allthough Matra is a bit of a coward). Atrian now travels the seas in search of adventure.

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