Gender: 2
Race: Man
Height: 5'11
Age: 24
Family: Parents both died. Their names unknown.
Animals: A scewbald horse called Raindrop
Weapons: Sword and some knives.

Personality: She doesnt really trust many because she always was alone. Once you get to know Autumn she is kind and becomes trusting. She speaks some elvish.

Appearance: She has long straight golden-copper hair. Her eyes are a bright hazel. He skin is pallid. She is very thin. She usually wears a long cream dress.


Autumn never knew her name but she thinks she was born in Autumn so that is what she calls herself. She was born near Mirkwood. Her father was killed before she was born. Her mother died from disease leaving her alone and unprotected just after she was born.
Time passed and she grew up travelling around in Middle-Earth. Then she met a he-elf from Lothlorien called Etharin. He tried to help her and look after her without bringing her into the wood.
She grew to love him in time but then he was called to fight in battle.
Three years later she found him again travelling with a group of elves. The other elves looked on her with disgust and Etharin pretended to not know her. She doesnt know what she had done to deserve to be denied when previously he had said he would always help her if he could.

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