Race: Half-elven
Height: 5'9
Age: 20
Family: : Elladan (brother), Elrohir (brother), Arwen (sister), Aragorn (brother), Elrond (father), Tinorial (sister)
Animals: Elda - Femal horse
Weapons: Bow and arrow, Elven sword, sometimes she uses a dagger

Personality: Ava cares for her family deeply and would give her life for each and every member. She tends to have an optimistic outlook on the world and when things get tough, she looks to the bright side of life (or tries to). She tends to, along with Tinorial and Estelle, get into pillow and tickling fights with the boys.

Appearance: Ava is a strong-willed young maiden. She has red hair that comes almost to her shoulders. When around the boys, she likes to dress in a deep purple tunic and gray pants. Otherwise she will be donned in blue or purple gowns. Her horse Elda, is a white and brown spotted mare. Elda’s hair is that of a light brown.


Avalithiel, like Tinorial is the daughter of Gilraen and a half-elf who had not made the Choice yet… whether to be immortal or mortal. When she was nine, her half-brother, Aragorn, traveled to see Gilraen. The two went on a picnic to get acquainted and left Tinorial and Ava with a neighbor. Orcs raided the picnic and Aragorn narrowly escaped after Gilraen was shot with an arrow to the heart, dying instantly. Aragorn returned and took the children home since they now had no parents (no one knew where the father was located) and Elrond raised them as his daughters. When Ava was 18, she, Tinorial, Legolas, Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Estelle and some others traveled to Estelle’s village to help stop the attack from bandits. While there, Estelle’s parents were injured and Ava was stabbed in the stomach by one bandit while warding off another behind her. Though she was badly wounded, she was healed. Since her near-death experience, Ava has not had many trials. Though she still travels with her brothers and sisters, she has not yet gotten seriously injured.

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