Gender: 2
Race: Gondorian/Corsairs
Height: 6 foot 4
Age: 25
Family: Deceased
Animals: Wolf-hound= Saeka, he stole a very sturdy tall blue-black draught horse he calls Morndae (meaning black shadow)
Weapons: Always carries a knife with a curved blade, generally uses two broad swords strapped to his back, one has a curved blade.

Personality: Balanur has been described frequently as a loose cannon, slightly unhinged and untrustworthy, all apt compliments for one of the Corsairs, a murderer by Gondorian standards. He is best known for, other than his quiet deadly stare and giving as few words as possible in one sentence, his deep voice and muscular physique. He has never shown any remorse for the murders he commits nor does he show much empathy for those around him. As far as first impressions go one would call Balanur animalistic, as his crimes originate from his ruthless will to survive rather than for the sake of killing. He has even referred to himself as an animal at times, and to the very few he trusts that he dislikes killing and secretly wishes that war and bloodshed did not have a place in this world but that he would probably be useless if it didn’t. He is a warrior in the most basic sense. When need be he is a fierce fighter: swift and agile for his large size and very powerful. The ongoing history of his people has instilled a kind of rage in his heart, his mental state and conscience have been regularly pushed to its limits. Despite this however Balanur’s character most reflects that of a true survivor, he will do anything to survive. The few people he decides are worth caring about however take precedence, though those people are few and far between. Balanur needs to find a purpose, something worth fighting for which is bigger than himself. Recently he has left the Corsairs to find out if in fact the Gondorians, which was his birthplace are truly the threat his family of drifters have been fighting against all these years and why if at all he should be ending the lives of these people. Balanur has a rather low opinion of himself, despite valuing his continued existence. He will not under any circumstance let someone else die or get injured simply to save him.

Appearance: Massive, is a word that springs to mind. Balanur is often referred to as Brôgon which means bear. This is a reflection of his barrel chested, broad shouldered, muscular build which seems as if it has been sculpted from stone. His muscles ripple down his arms and his head which was once full of hair has been shaved; this does not help to dispel the intimidation factor. There are a few markings, tattoos on his body, most of them hidden beneath clothing, one on his left should blade. His eyes are piercing, and he has a habit of staring at you in a way which unnerves most people. His eyes are an electric blue and seem to send shivers down the few who dare to look upon him. His expressions are unreadable, even his half-smirk of a smile on the rare occasion that he does smile.


Born in Gondor, however his mother took to the seas with his father a Corsairs. Balanur has lived his life on the seas and has known no other life but hiding, running, and fighting. He has recently been caught along with other Corsairs who were raiding a village on the edge of Minas Tirith. Balanur was not a part of the raid but he was not one of the villagers either and so he was captured all the same while trying to put out the fire of one of the houses with a bucket of water from their well. One of the guards saw the empty bucket, the strange man dressed in peculiar clothes and thought he was using the bucket as a weapon and began attacking him. Balanur defended himself and killed the guard by accident and so as a result he was captured along with the others and taken to Minas Tirith as a prisoner.

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