Gender: 2
Race: Elven
Height: 6'3
Age: 14
Family: Didn't know parents Sister- Katrina
Animals: Horse- Rose
Weapons: Bow and Arrow. Sword with

Personality: kind and helpful. doesn't like to fight, but loves to compete in archery. Very calm, and content. Friendly, and warm-hearted. Trustworthy and loyal, and very passionate. Loves to sing and dance

Appearance: Slightly wavey soft Brown hair that's down to waist. Sharp blue eyes outlined in stunning green. Likes lavender or blue dresses that have flowing sleeves.


PArents were killed by orcs when she was 5, leaving her with her sister. She doesn’t know much about her past. She went to Rivendell, where she was given a place to stay in Elronds house. Growing up raising her sister made her grow up to be very loving. She is very protective of her sister.

Now that she is 14 and her sister is 9, she worries less and travels more. When she is home her sister is always “trying” to set her up with a ‘cute suitable boyfriend’. Bashana dreams to one day to marry a person that her sister aproves of and have a family.

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