Race: Human
Height: 5'2
Age: 17
Family: Twin Sister-Sari Father-Lucess Mother-Unknown
Animals: Orion-Horse
Weapons: Eska, a long sword. Nandor, a long sword. Toror, an axe. Malda, a bow and arrow.

Personality: Brin is quiet, only talking to his sister. He too will only know Sari and Orion as his oly loves. He is mainly shy, but when a fight starts, he has a different side. A fearless side. Someone who will protect anyone good who will be harmed, whether he knows them or not. He follows his sister to plkease and protect her, for he knows how she loves traveling. He only wishes to find a house, and settle down to live with his sister, maybe get a job as a blacksmith, hos true art.

Appearance: Brin has the same soft red color of his sister's hair, but it is wirey and wild. He cut it down short like some men, but grew a beard that he shaves only once every month maybe. He has a large nose, and his lips are not visible in the mass of red hair growing on his chin. His eyes are the same watery blue, but more relaxed and thoughtful. He has a burly shape, with broad shoulders any many muscles. His voice is harsh and loud, meant for screaming out orders in an army or yelling to peddle goods. But unlike his sister, who has a soft lovely voice that is accented and spekas bad common, he hardly screams or yells at all. But his battle cry is magnificent, and puts fear into the heart of his opponent.


Brin has almost the same history as Sari. His father had an affair with a traverler, and she took off as soon as she had the two ugly babies, not thinking the girl would grow up to become powerful, lovely and talented, not to mention well educated and worth much more. The son would grow up to be a fine warrior, and just as talented as well as handsome if not a little less. They were sold and brought to Rivendell, where they learned extreme powers. They were set free at the age of ten, for Sari was wiggling to go out of the walls. Now they are travelelers, running the country side in search of trouble.

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