Gender: 2
Race: Half-elven
Height: 4'7"
Age: 11
Family: Related to the late Gil-Galad
Animals: one horse
Weapons: Sword, bow, daggers, small axe

Personality: Bryant is a lively young spirited youth. When he has made his home among elves, he was considered the odd one, but now that he has decided to use his life to become a ranger, he meets all different races.

Appearance: He has dark brown hair, that is cut short like the race of men wear their hair. He has green eyes, and tan skin. He wears the cloak of a ranger, and plain breechs, and a shirt.


When he was five he moved around a lot with his mother. One time when they were traveling in a group, orcs attacked and killed many of the refugees, including his mother. Before she died she told him that he was a decendant of Gil-Galad. He went searching to Rivendell to find some answers.

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