Race: Human
Height: 5'8
Age: 19
Family: Tristan (father)
Animals: A brown stallion named Nuada.
Weapons: Fights with spears and swords but doesn't own any weapons of her own.

Personality: Ceridwen is very friendly and compassionate, giving help to everyone. She is extremely trusting which is her major flaw since people normally take advantage of her trust. She's very strong and curious and wishes to be a Rider of Rohan but isn't allowed because she is a female.

Appearance: Ceridwen has short brown hair and green eyes. Her skin is fair and she normally wears male clothing, only wearing dresses to special events. She is tall and slender yet somewhat muscular too due to being a tomboy and fighting.


Ceridwen had never been outside of Rohan until about a month after she turned 19. Her mother died when giving birth to her before the War of the Ring, so she has been raised by her father all her life. Since she was raised by a man, Ceridwen has always been somewhat of a tomboy. She trains and fights with the boys of her village and has always been shunned for her unique personality. Her father is very protective of her so she lives the life of a common villager, helping her father with any chores and keeping up with the pub that he owns.

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