Gender: 2
Race: 1/5th immortal...
Height: 5'7
Age: 17
Family: Elim her brother, and Daston her father
Animals: Union- her hawk that watches over, only when shes in trouble
Weapons: none

Personality: Chaighn is an outgoing person, she enjoys a drink every now and then, and is close to being mortal. Aside from not being able to die, she spends her eternity alone. She doesnt laugh. She hardly breaths. And she prefurs to be alone while she does her "dirty work" so she mustnt be reminded of her past.

Appearance: Medium length black hair, just past her shoulders. A maroon shirt on, underneath a black sweater and black arm-bands. A sad depressed look on her face, as if her best friend had betrayed her....long ago.


Chaighn accepted immortality thinking it would be great…until she realized she would be sharing her “paradise” eternity, alone. Feeding in the darkness, walking in the shadows, with only her own company to keep. Going to sleep for centuries made her not want to wake up. And it hit her, shed made the worst decision of all.

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