Gender: 1
Race: Men
Height: Tall
Age: 27
Family: Father, mother and one brother

Personality: She has a kind and generous soul, and she has devoted her life to others. But she can be stern when she is trying to heal someone and does not want to be disturbed. She posseses a patient mind.

Appearance: Brunette hair that drops below her shoulders, always tied back. She is beautiful and often wears silver clothes.


At five years of age her elder sister passed away due to a terrible disease. And from this day she swore that she would become the greatest healer in the kingdom, so she could bring her sister back to life. This obviously could never happen, but her parents allowed her to think of such things, and Christin soon showed a promising talent for the art of healing. She trained at the houses of healing and she gathered many different books about the craft. When she was 14, she came to posses an el;egant book, and inside it, there was a language she could not read, she later found out it was written in elvish, and so she learnt the language and found the book had written in it some of the most secret and amazing cures for diseases. She has becamoe one of the most respected healers in the land.

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