Race: Human
Height: 6 foot
Age: 26
Family: Dead in a shipwreck
Weapons: A rusty saber sheathed at her side, and a few darts

Personality: Coe is exactly what one might expect of a woman who's spent her entire life at sea--loud, rude, and vulgar. But under her crusty exterior beats a valiant heart.

Appearance: Coe has wild, matted orange hair that flows down her back and is held away from her face with a faded blue bandanna. Her eyes glow violet and feral in her tanned face.


Coe used to live aboard her parents’ ship, the Yuris, but when she was fifteen, the ship wrecked and her parents died. She was rescued by Addy Stormbringer, and brought aboard Addy’s ship, the Hellborn Howl. When a captive, Emilie, escaped from the ship, Coe followed–and ended up working in Minas Tirith for Arthon, the self-proclaimed Prince of Thieves.

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