Race: Vampire
Height: 5'9
Age: 18, however, it has been three years since she was
Family: Her only living family is Alcuin, her brother, who is human. Her master is Donatien, but she wouldnt really consider him family.
Animals: Black cat named Jack (short for Jack-O-Lantern)
Weapons: Claws and teeth, the ocassional dagger

Personality: Covelle is very even keeled, and hardly loses composure, except when bothered by people she considers to be idiots. A quick mind and sharp wit, Covelle brings calm and insight wherever she goes. Also a bit of a flirt, and a troublemaker when she wants to be.

Appearance: Extremely pale, with calculating grey eyes,(they used to be green), dark brown/black hair, and a serious exterior. The only remaning sign of life on her face is her blood red lips, extremly vivid against her white skin. She wears black linen pants and a white buttondown shirt with a grey sweater vest. The only jewelry or adornments she wears is a simple cross around her neck.


Covelle lived a relatively normal life up untill the “incident”. Covelle rarely gives out such information, so very little is known about her history.

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