Gender: 2
Race: Men, Dunadan
Height: 6' 2''
Age: same as Aragorn
Animals: horse
Weapons: sword, small knives

Personality: Warm and kind of heart. He is thoughtful. Darrion is quite cautious around those he feels he cannot trust.

Appearance: He has brown hair that reaches to his shoulders and warm brown eyes that penetrate deeply into an observer's soul. His skin is fair, and his voice is comforting to hear. Darrion is slender and tall.


Darrion’s name comes from the Gaelic form of Darren, which means ‘great’. He can trace his ancestry back to those of the Faithful from Numenor, and is quite proud of his noble heritage. The Ranger was born on the same day as Aragorn, whom he did not meet until later in his life, in Rohan. He grew up as a squire until he was old enough and skilled enough to join his fellow Dunadain Rangers. It was after he joined the Rangers that he met Aragorn while they were keeping watch over the Shire. Darrion travels wherever the wind blows him, and he frequents Rohan, as he has his heart set on a maiden named Rawnie, whom he took care of and became her mentor when she ran away from home.

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