Race: Man
Height: 5' 11"
Age: 18
Family: none doesnt remember a family other than the old crone and theif who raised him
Animals: none
Weapons: a short sword, a whip, a rope, a blow gun, and varios daggers

Personality: He loves people, he is an excellent pick pocket, and he absolutely enjoys large crowds. The reason why is because he can easily lose himself in them. He can appear one place, and appear another moments later. He feeds off other people, and has lived his life that way forever.

Appearance: Wears all black most of the time, appearence changes as he needs it to. One place he can appeared old and decrepit, and five mintues later can appear as a young man ready to do battle for a ladies honor.


found by an old seer crone who took him to the theives guild in Dol Amroth. There the old guild master took him under his wing. At the age of seventeen however he left the guild to strike his own fortune. He thought of the guild as keeping him down. And so he took the skills they had taught him and left to seek ther riches he so rightly deserved.

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