Gender: 2
Race: Mortal
Height: 6'3
Age: 38
Family: mother, father, and younger brother living in Osgiliath
Weapons: a sword passed down from his family, and a bow and arrows

Personality: He has a strong will and is a brave fighter. Like other Gondorian soldiers, he is willing to sacrifice his life for the good of Gondor. Being a ranger gives him great pride.

Appearance: Straggly shoulder length brown hair, and deep green eyes. He normally wears the Gondorian armour, along with raiment of dark greens and browns, to blend in with the enviroment.


Denethir was born in Osgiliath. At an early age, he showed the qualities of a Gondorian soldier. He was strong and tall, and quite skilled with a blade. When he was in his early twenties, he left his home and family to go to Ithilien. There, he met up with the rangers of Ithilien, led by Captain Faramir. After proving himself worthy as a soldier, he was given the armour of Gondor, with the white tree of Numenor, and taken into Faramir’s service.

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